More about Me

Hi I am Anuppma – A Coach, Psychologist, MBTI & NLP certified specialist. 

I help you to discover & grow your personal power, find your strength & specialty. I also help Transforming Corporate Leaders into Entrepreneurs, who gain control over their work, time & income. 

I work with middle & senior management professionals, entrepreneurs, CEOs, MD’s & corporate leaders & solopreneuers.

 My coaching is about 

  • Helping you to harness & wield unique personal power, potential & inner strength
  • Helping creative individuals find their unique quality, specialty, strength, talent & natural gifts
  • Helping to Build Business & life around your "Specialism" 
  • Empowering to Embrace Will & Resilience, it is integral part of all my work
  • Exclusive work with selective & limited number of 1:1 clients, to provide maximum impact & support

We are good match, if you looking for any of above

I Believe

 Our “Specialty & Will are ultimate Powers”

I believe each one of us holds unique personal potential, qualities and gifts. Sometimes they are unknown to us. If we fail to nail them, we remain unclear, lost, and held back. 

The bottom line is, we go through being ordinary to find our specialism. Only after succumbing to people or circumstances , we realize it’s time to wield personal power. We go through courage & resilience to evoke our inner warrior

My mantra and motto is “Be Special & Willful”. I embrace it & inspire you to do the same. It’s time that you step up, find your specialism. Stay willful & resilient till you forge the path & life you want.

My Story & Why I do What I do?

Most  of my life I have battled with adversity & overcome barriers that could have stopped me in tracks & derailed my life ever.

But instead, I said NO! NO to fear, NO to unknown, NO to weakness & Yes ! to Staring down my struggles, taking risks & living life to fullest. 

Being vulnerable & powerful at the same time is my unique experience. 

People tell you who you are what you should do, this is the truth of this world. But what they tell is ONLY what they know & see. I believe exploring within &  forging your own path … &  that’s how I started to do what I do.

Meet My Mentors

 Bernardo Moya

Bernardo Moya

Founder & CEO of The Best You

Dr. Richard Bandler

Dr. Richard Bandler

Co-Creator NLP U.S

Naoto Watanabe

Naoto Watanabe

NLP Alliance-Japan

 Kathleen LaValle

Kathleen LaValle

Program Director for NLP Seminars Group International

John LaValle

John LaValle

Licensed Master Trainer of NLP™ & DHE®



NLPLife London

My Collaboration

I collaborated with THE BEST YOU. The world’s largest platform in Personal Development.

THE BEST YOU provide, knowledge, wisdom, and experts to enhance and improve their lives.

Founder & CEO Bernardo Moya says: “We have a responsibility as transformational leaders to inspire change and make the world a better place…”

I am happy to share my new position as “The Director of THE BEST YOU LEGACY CLUB -Delhi Chapter”.



Gained 25 years of experience while doing

  • L&D specialist roles with multiple corporates
  • Training senior & middle management
  • Management consultations
  • Psychometric assessments
  • Behavioural Interviews
  • Private Coaching 


  • Certified Coach – ICF Canada,
  • Certified MBTI Consultant – CPP Asia Pacific
  • Certified NLP practitioner – NLP Life London.
  • Specialisation in T&D
  • Master in Clinical Psychology 


Spoken on “Mental Health & Personal Power”, At International Expo organised by THE BESTYOU with Guest Speaker – MR. Girija Shankar of “Mahabharat” fame. 

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy" - Dalai Lama

When you work with me, you invest in yourself.  Supporting human causes has always been close to my heart. Giving back in small ways, supporting the kids from “Voice of slum” to get education & basic amenities, is a joy for me.  Come & Join us 

Personal Note

Besides a Coach, I am a mother to one human baby and a family of cats. They take my attention when I am not Coaching. My recent creative satisfaction is making perfumes & made 100+ fragrances so far. Trained in classical dance, loves sketching, designing, organizing. Embarked on my journey to peace with minimalism. Reading, writing & researching are my only constant hobbies. Meditation for stillness & generating random ideas for brain buzz are my go to soothers. Staring in nothingness & drifting to my own wonderland is my fun time.

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