Personal Power

Personal Power

Unleash your Inner force- Ignite your Potential
3 months/One-to-One Mastermind to raise your shine 

Customised path to cultivate profound confidence & inner strength
Raise mental fortitude, resilience & will to win
Cultivate self worth, self assurance & assertiveness
Personal Power isn’t about force, it is about inner strength to lead empowered life

1:1 Private Coaching

3 Months
(4+2+2) Sessions

Personality Assessment, Coaching Workbooks, Mind Tools & More

3 Months Unlimited WhatsApp, Email & Text Message

Extra Phone Calls on Request, Self-Help Bundles, Activity Booklet, & Journal Prompt

Why Choose It ?

  • Discover natural strengths, talents, preference to operate and conduct in life with ease
  • Enhances self worth, self esteem, self assurance and self confidence
  • Elevate grit to draw best out of life circumstances


Is it the best fit ?

  • Good for individuals grappling with self-doubt, confusion, unclarity & uncertainty
  • Great to eliminate helplessness, dependency, or manipulation
  • Helpful for who suffers from negativity, unhelpful habits & inaction


What it gives ?

  • 3 months tailored private sessions
  • 4+2+2 format, 1 hr/session
  • Pre-session task to help tailor session
  • Post session assignments for consistency of actions on the coachee’s part.
  • Additional Ongoing assignments, reviews, and recommendations
  • Value adding gifts

How to start ?

  • Book a strategy call to discuss goals & needs, clarify any queries to ensuring making most from the program
  • Sign up & receive an invitation to codesign your program with coach
  • Get started with pre-session assignments
  • Attend your private coaching session to receive personalized guidance
  • Implement the recommendations provided during the session

How it is Delivered ?

  • The program is delivered through tailored private 1:1 coaching sessions.
  • Sessions can be conducted in person or remotely based on your preference and convenience.
  • Enjoy the flexibility of scheduling your discovery call + coaching session at a time that works best for you.

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