business specialism

Business Specialism

Tap your Talents to build a befitting business for a path of power & prosperity

4 months/One-to-one Premium for business breakthrough & CEO mindset 

Discover the transformative journey of Business Specialism & Breakthrough. Break hesitation to unleash full Business Building Potential. 

Gain clarity & conscious choices to exploit already existing strengths & monetize them into stream of income.

1:1 Private Coaching
1 Hr Each Session

4 Months
(4+4+2+2) Sessions

Personality Assessment,  Pre & Post Each Session Assignments, Coaching Workbooks, & More

4 Months Unlimited WhatsApp,
Email & Text Message

Content Creation Support Tools , Self Help Bundles, Activity Booklet, Journal Prompt & More

Why Choose It?

  • To follow heart & soul calling, to be own boss, & become soulful professional
  • To become CEO of your Life, this is your best bet.
  • Right mindset & clarity for the entrepreneurship journey right at the onset


Is it the best fit ?

  • This program aligns with natural strengths talents, gifts, flair & passions 
  • Custom creation while keeping in mind the aspirations and commitment level. 
  • Just ready to step into “zone of genius” and forge ideal path, this intensive design experience is just right & top choice  

    My Signature Premium “Specialism & Business Breakthrough”, is a co-creative journey in 4 Stages  

    1. Uncover & Strengthen Your “Zone of Genius”

    • Identify & leverage your specialty, gifts, talents, skills & what makes you special.
    • Raise your power, increase your will & build expertise.
    • Gain clarity, confidence & courage to build a business. Connect with, ambition, purpose, faith, and values that drive you and your business.
    1. Stop Thinking Like An Employee 
    • Identify the old patterns, Self-image & story, and rewrite them.
    • Break through mental barriers, and change the mindset. 
    • Becoming more resourceful, learn to unlock your opportunities & avail them
    1. Design Your Future
    • What lifestyle, work style, and business do you want? 
    • What’s the path? Mapping your career path & building a strong vision for business
    • Create a transition plan, &start taking massive action.
    1. Become a CEO Your Way
    • Establish CEO habits and mindsets, rituals, rewrite your rules
    • Be authentic and step up to your new role, make your work visible
    • Hold and execute the vision with consistency, and courage & become influential


What it gives ?

    • 4 months private intense sessions 
    • 4 sessions/1 hr each session
    • Pre Session task to help tailor sessions
    • Private coaching & anytime easy exclusive coach access
    • Custom session workbook & actionable recommendations
    • Additional resources, assignments, reviews
    • Value adding gifts

How to start ?

  • Book a strategy call to discuss needs and goals, & to clarify queries ensuring you make the most
  • Sign up & receive an invitation to plan & prepare your program 
  • Get started with pre-session assignments to maximize the effectiveness of your coaching session.
  • Attend your private coaching session
  • Implement the recommendations provided during the session to kickstart or elevate your entrepreneurship journey.

How it is Delivered ?

  • The program is delivered through tailored private 1:1 coaching sessions, in real-time
  • Sessions can be conducted in person or remotely based on your preference and convenience.
  • Enjoy the flexibility of scheduling your discovery call + coaching session at a time that works best for you.


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