Business Strategy w/ Anuppma


Unlocking Business Solutions, 1 strategy at a time

1.5 hrs/One-to-one Mastermind to craft your Instant Business Solution

Get a personalized business strategy or plan. Get unstuck from a pressing business challenge or Pick my brain for an issue of your choice, as far as you stick to the business sphere, this one-on-one will get you everything right, the very first time. 



What does it give?

  • One-and-a-half-hour, private coaching session
  • One custom solution of choice- Personality assessment, identifying strengths, discovering passion, planning career transitions, or any other issue/goal 
  • Pre-session task to help tailor the session
  • Customized session workbook and actionable recommendations
  • Additional resources may be mentioned during the session.
  • Value adding gifts


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